Beware of the Cane Toads

Posted: April 01, 2024 • Category: Alerts

Beware! The cane toad is a large nocturnal toad native to South America but which was introduced into south Florida. The cane toad has poisonous glands and should not be touched or approached. Even the tadpoles are highly toxic to most animals if ingested. The toxic skin of the cane toad can injure or kill animals, both wild and domesticated, and pose a specific danger to dogs and birds of prey.

​People who touch toads may become ill, develop a painful and persistent rash, or develop membrane swelling or other symptoms. The cane toad is a prolific breeder. One female can lay up to 60,000 eggs at a time.

A community-wide containment plan is underway in Bonita Bay to manage the spread of cane toads. In 2022, over 11,000 toads were captured on Bonita Bay grounds and eradicated.

If you see a cane toad or you see black tadpoles in the nearby lakes, please email: or call the Bonita Bay Grounds Department at (239) 495-2113.